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Compact V Panel Filters

Compact V Panel Filters


Our Compact V are filters with high energy efficiency and long service life which represent a technological step forward when compared to the now traditional bag filters. Designed to be used in more difficult installations such as variable airflow or air volume, high air volume, high humidity or occasional exposure to water which are areas where bag filters are currently used but where their performance is less than exemplary.
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Our Compact V are filters with high energy efficiency and long service life which represent a technological step forward when compared to the now traditional bag filters. Designed to be used in more difficult installations such as variable airflow or air volume, high air volume, high humidity or occasional exposure to water which are areas where bag filters are currently used but where their performance is less than exemplary.


Pre-filters for clean rooms
Air conditioning systems
Industrial processes


high performance filter
Long life with better total cost of ownership
Lightweight and robust filter construction
Very low power consumption and high dust holding capacity
Low pressure drop
Can be used at temperatures between 80 and 100ºC
Large filtration surface
All materials used in these filters are non-corrosive
Rigid structure makes for easy installation and replacement

Product Specification

Actual Size HxWxD: 592x592x292mm
Nominal Size HxWxD: 24x24x12inch (610x610x300mm)
Classification: EN779 F7
Filter Class: EN16890 ePM1 >55%
Header Depth: 25mm
Filtration Area: 18m2
Air Capacity: 3400m3 p/hr
Pressure Drop: 71 PA
Energy Class Eurovent 4/21: "A"
Net Weight: 4.8kg
Maximum Temperature: 80-100C

Actual Size HxWxD: 492x592x292mm
Nominal Size HxWxD: 20x12x12inch
Classification: EN779 F7
Filter Class: EN16890 ePM1 >55%
Header Depth: 25mm
Filtration Area: 15m2
Air Capacity: 2800m3 p/hr
Pressure Drop: 71 PA
Energy Class Eurovent 4/21: "A"
Net Weight: 4kg
Maximum Temperature: 80-100C

Actual Size HxWxD: 287x592x292mm
Nominal Size HxWxD: 12x24x12inch
Classification: EN779 F7
Filter Class: EN16890 ePM1 >55%
Header Depth: 25mm
Filtration Area: 9m2
Air Capacity: 1700m3 p/hr
Pressure Drop: 71 PA
Energy Class Eurovent 4/21: "A"
Net Weight: 3kg
Maximum Temperature: 80-100C

Technical Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 'nominal size' mean?
Nominal size is the size that the filter can commonly be known as. So, whilst a filter may be known as a 24x24 inch (or 610x610mm) the actual size is 592x592mm. We show the nominal size (either separately or with the actual size) as many can be confused and search for one size when they are really looking for the other.